Wednesday 22 October 2008

Media Project Week no.4

This week we all watched each others videos in class, and had to say something about them, so that people received feedback and could see what other people thought of their videos. I gave feedback on other groups videos and then, it was our turn and my groups video was played. We got some positive feedback but also some negative feedback aswell. For example, which was my fault, for one part im opening the door with my left hand then in the next shot im opening it with my right hand, so ive switched hads, it was nothing to do with my group it was solely my fault. We also could of filmed the shot which was the close up of the watch a bit better, so that you could actually see who was wearing the watch. Through this whole project I have learnt alot about filming rules and guidelines and also alot about editing, I believe it has made me better at this subject, especially in the practical aspect, i enjoyed this project overall and was happy with my work and how we all worked together.

Tuesday 21 October 2008

Media Project Week no.3

We had to edit our video on Adobe Film Premiere. To make it fair we all took it in turns to edit but some people did more than others, for example Amy done the most editing then Matt and then me, but overall we all done our fair share. We had to cut out alot of shots because we had to remove outtakes, so that we had a better and more professional video. We cut certain bits of scenes as well so that continuity was used in our piece. I think our editing worked very well because we where the first group to finish and we finished to a good standard. But we did have to re film a shot of a close up on the watch because you couldn't see who was wearing the watch, but I'm happy with how our editing went relating to our filming.

Media Project Week no.2

Amy, Matt and Me filmed our video in Miss Carey's office, we chose this because its organised and quiet, this location worked very well. The lighting in miss Carey's office was quite good as well because we filmed near the whiteboard which reflected light well. The room was also of a good size so we had a decent amount of room to manoeuvre and film with our equipment, this also meant we had more room to create better angles which would improve our filming. When acting in this video it went reasonably well but there was a point where we couldnt stop laughing, but we eventually got over it and acted very well, we filmed each shot more than once so that we had a choice of what scene was better. Overall our filming went very well and I am happy with our piece.

Media Project Week no.1

For our task in our media class we had t0 film and edit a video where a character would open a door, cross the room and sit down in a chair opposite another character(s). The characters would then say a few lines of dialogue, we used such rules as match on action, shot/reverse shot and the 180 degree rule.

For this task our class got seperated into random groups of 3 or 4, i was in a group of 4 with Matt Hampshire, Amy Newton and Hannah Thorne. We all made a 10 shot storyboard each, and we decided that Amy's was the best for the actual story and camera angles. We then done an animatic which is where we filmed our drawn out storyboard, this helps us to try and film our video as close to the plan as possible, we didnt have any problems with our filming of the animatic.

We learnt that when we film we should follow certain rules so that our videos could look as professional as possible. Some of the rules where:
180 degree rule
Make sure continuity is used (for example, characters wear the same clothes.)
Making sure cameras and tripods are used correctly.