Thursday 18 December 2008

Film Research

Green Street

The scene starts with a wide angle of a train station at night, artificial lighting is used but more natural lighting is used more, also shows what train station it is “Bank” which shows the film is based in London. Also a high angle shot of the main characters as they come up the stairs which the GSE crew “Green Street Elite”. Costume worn by this crew are denim jeans, trainers, coats and hoodies, however all clothes are from different designers like normal clothes. This shows it is cold at night and is in a season like winter which shows negativity of what they do ‘football riots’.

Low angle shot or point of view shot of the leader of the group, extra is intimated and scared by him by the expression on his face when he views the leader. After this the green street elite are kicking round a can and acting like children, pretending to play football, and idolising there favourite west ham players, since they were just at the game. The set is like a traditional train station with the metro signs on the wall and also lots of ripped down adverts, this is very realistic.

As they see a rival crew there is an over the shoulder shot from the gang leader of eight rivals of another crew. The rival crew are all wearing coats, Jeans and trainers as well some characters are wearing hats so that there appearance doesn’t get recognised. Medium long shot of four gang members from the green street elite mocking their rivals. 3 shot medium close up of 3 rivals this is during the conversation to show their hate for each other. Main character is in front of everyone else in the long shot of the GSE and he is also wearing a sandy colour coat which stands out in front of the rest because they are wearing black, this emphasises his importance and leadership.

Wednesday 17 December 2008

Film Production Week No.3

We re-filmed our production with our changes in place and with added shots this was to make our piece look more professional. When we finished our re-filming on a certain amount of scenes, our opening to a film looked a lot more professional, we also had links to previous scenes and had new shots and angles which looked good, we now had Me as Big Ray and Dan playing as the poker dealer. Once we re-filmed we returned to the editing on the computer, we cut shot lengths down or cut it out due to fault. A voice over was our next activity we used Matt's voice when he was acting out Mickey, this was so that the scenes were linked. Next we added in music and sound effects too add tension in our shots, we also added in special effects for the same reason. Titles now had to be added, they were Actors names, candidate numbers and names. We then sat as a group and watched our whole piece through and finalised the video by all agreeing it was finished.

Film Production Week No.2

For week number two we filmed all of the scenes left in our production, we filmed outside with natural lighting and we also had to film inside a Poker and Snooker Club called Pockets, they had artifical lighting inside there which worked well, we did need to get permission to film in there and we got that from the manager/owner before we carried out any filming. We started to film and filmed shots about 3 times with different angles experimenting what worked best, we tried to carry out a few shots like in Casino Royale, the poker scene, we done these a few times to see which ones we thought worked best. We got back to school and decided to edit our production by cutting out glitches and also cutting down the lengths of shots, which were too long. Once we edited our production, we watched it through and noted down changes the main thing we needed to change was that I took over as Dans character because he felt uncomfortable and I really enjoy the acting aspects, we also added extras which were bodyguards, Anthony and Sam who helped us out when we re-filmed, the decisions we made were the right ones and they all paid off.

Film Production Week No.1

For the1st week of our task we had to pick which storyboard and animatic we wanted to use as our production, we all agreed that we should use Dan's Storyboard. We now had to plan out the shots we had to film for our opening we also listed how long each indivdual shot would last, we also listed what costume,lighting and make up we had to use. We also chose our props and where we were going to film the scenes, the speech was also planned out here along with special effects and sounds which we feel were needed. Next we filmed the animatic and once it had been seen by our teacher we could start filming our piece. Our opening scene which we filmed was inside a house which meant the lighting was not to good, but we closed the curtains and the room was dark so then we could just use artifical lighting. We had now finished the opening scene, so we went back to school and edited it, by cutting out mistakes and over runs, we then finally added a title at the start aswell.

Storyboard Of Film Production

Pubs, Clubs And Erotic Hot Tubs

Mickey (Main Character) is the modern hustler is smart teenager in many ways is smart street-wise, educational smart and is a smart gambler (Card games\Poker), however since quitting college and trying to get a job, he has convinced himself to earn his own money the dirty way by going underground and gambling big games (poker).

He was doing so well, until a dramatic turn of events when he bets more than what he can afford on one hand and has stupidly lost it all (bit off more than he can chew) and now owns Big Ray (a big-time, dirty gangster and high-roller) £50,00 grand, which he needs to pay off in a week before he sends his goons, to kill him and anyone closely related to him.