Thursday 18 December 2008

Film Research

Green Street

The scene starts with a wide angle of a train station at night, artificial lighting is used but more natural lighting is used more, also shows what train station it is “Bank” which shows the film is based in London. Also a high angle shot of the main characters as they come up the stairs which the GSE crew “Green Street Elite”. Costume worn by this crew are denim jeans, trainers, coats and hoodies, however all clothes are from different designers like normal clothes. This shows it is cold at night and is in a season like winter which shows negativity of what they do ‘football riots’.

Low angle shot or point of view shot of the leader of the group, extra is intimated and scared by him by the expression on his face when he views the leader. After this the green street elite are kicking round a can and acting like children, pretending to play football, and idolising there favourite west ham players, since they were just at the game. The set is like a traditional train station with the metro signs on the wall and also lots of ripped down adverts, this is very realistic.

As they see a rival crew there is an over the shoulder shot from the gang leader of eight rivals of another crew. The rival crew are all wearing coats, Jeans and trainers as well some characters are wearing hats so that there appearance doesn’t get recognised. Medium long shot of four gang members from the green street elite mocking their rivals. 3 shot medium close up of 3 rivals this is during the conversation to show their hate for each other. Main character is in front of everyone else in the long shot of the GSE and he is also wearing a sandy colour coat which stands out in front of the rest because they are wearing black, this emphasises his importance and leadership.

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