Wednesday 17 December 2008

Film Production Week No.2

For week number two we filmed all of the scenes left in our production, we filmed outside with natural lighting and we also had to film inside a Poker and Snooker Club called Pockets, they had artifical lighting inside there which worked well, we did need to get permission to film in there and we got that from the manager/owner before we carried out any filming. We started to film and filmed shots about 3 times with different angles experimenting what worked best, we tried to carry out a few shots like in Casino Royale, the poker scene, we done these a few times to see which ones we thought worked best. We got back to school and decided to edit our production by cutting out glitches and also cutting down the lengths of shots, which were too long. Once we edited our production, we watched it through and noted down changes the main thing we needed to change was that I took over as Dans character because he felt uncomfortable and I really enjoy the acting aspects, we also added extras which were bodyguards, Anthony and Sam who helped us out when we re-filmed, the decisions we made were the right ones and they all paid off.

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